Our lives don’t always go at a smooth pace. Every one of us wants a healthy and happy life. Good health is the key to all happiness. You may have anything else, from a deep pocket to a crown on your head. But you won’t find happiness in these if you don’t have good health. That’s why we say “health is wealth.” You know this right. Diseases and illnesses are parts of our life. We have to live our lives dealing with these.
Since we always strive for a healthy and disease-free life, we seek medication and consultation with doctors. However, apart from this conventional way, there is another term “the alternative medicine,” and it is becoming popular in recent days. Alternative medicine isn’t like something pharmaceutical product. It is a combination of natural ingredients, physical and psychological therapies, changes in habits and lifestyle, etc. You might have heard about holistic health approaches. Holistic health is a part of alternative medicine and it’s an ancient concept that is being popular nowadays as the wellness industry has seen a boom.
As a result, the demand for holistic health care providers is increasing nowadays. Since you’re reading this article, I assume you have an interest in holistic health, what it does, and how to become a holistic health practitioner. In this article, you’ll have a detailed overview of this. So, let’s move forward.
[su_heading size=”20″ margin=”10″]Who is a Holistic Health Practitioner?[/su_heading]
You must have seen diet and fitness coaches helping people in their nutrition and physical wellness while life coaches focus on mental and spiritual aspects of wellness. A holistic health coach is a combination of both. He guides his clients in their healthier and fit life as a fitness and diet trainer through diet, workout, building healthy habits. He also addresses the spiritual and mental issues and counsels the clients to achieve better mental health.
Our habits, lifestyle, surrounding environment, emotions all have a collective impact on our health, and holistic health addresses these all. Thus, a holistic health care provider is both a physical and mental coach and he needs to have expertise in these fields. As a holistic health coach, your role is to help your clients to achieve and maintain good health by making positive changes in their lifestyle. Thus, you can help people live a happier life and prevent ailments.
[su_heading size=”20″ margin=”10″]Prospects of this Job[/su_heading]
People are now more concerned about their health, and they know that it is better to prevent illness before falling into it. It is not unknown to us that we can prevent many diseases and ailments by just making some changes in our lifestyle and nurturing some positive health practices. So, we need someone who can guide us through this way and a holistic health care provider exactly works at this point. That’s why the demand for holistic health care providers is increasing day by day.
According to the Global Wellness Institute, the wellness industry currently worths almost £2.8 trillion worldwide and this industry comprises all the aspects of health and fitness including beauty care, cosmetics, alternative medicine, holistic health, etc. It is predicted that UK residents will be spending an average of £487 annually on wellness purposes. So, it is clear that holistic health is a promising sector and it is growing rapidly.
The best part of this job is that you don’t need to look for formal employment. You have the chance to be self-employed by starting your own health care service. In the UK, many holistic health coaches are working on self-employment. Usually, the practitioners conduct a session of 60 to 90 minutes and they charge £70 to £100. However, it depends on experience and expertise and experienced practitioners charge more than this range.
[su_heading size=”20″ margin=”30″]How to Become A Holistic Health Practitioner[/su_heading]
You’re now informed about the roles and prospects of holistic health. Since you’re still staying here, you may intend to know how to become a holistic health care provider. So, let’s dig deeper to know more about this. Here are the steps to become a holistic health practitioner:
1. Understand the primary fields that encompass holistic health
Like I said in the previous section of this article, holistic health covers both physical and mental aspects of wellness. So, you have to build expertise on the essential three fields of holistic health to become a successful holistic health care provider. The three fields are as follows:
[su_service title=”Nutrition” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#296af5″ size=”20″]As a holistic health care provider, you have to know the basics of nutrition so that you can address any imbalance in food habits and guide your clients to set a healthy and balanced diet plan. [/su_service]
[su_service title=”Fitness” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#296af5″ size=”20″]Fitness is one of the major concerns of holistic health. Everyone knows how workouts work. As a holistic health coach, you should know how to customize a workout routine for your clients according to their physic for achieving their fitness goals. Besides, you should have thorough knowledge about the habits that promote fitness and wellbeing. [/su_service]
[su_button url=”https://prime.adamsacademy.com/course/personal-training-fitness-diploma-level-3″ target=”blank” background=”#296af5″ size=”6″ center=”yes” radius=”round” icon=”icon: arrow-right”]Become a Fitness Instructor[/su_button]
[su_service title=”Spiritual” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#296af5″ size=”20″]The state of mind is vital for a healthy life. As a health coach, you have to help your clients to understand their stress factors and guide them well to get rid of those. That’s why you need to have an understanding of psychological and behavioural matters. [/su_service]
2. Choose your speciality
Holistic health encompasses a range of practices and therapies including Naturopathy, Massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Acupressure, etc, and so on. Each of them targets a healthy and happy life. It’s not unusual that you can specialize in multiple areas, but you can’t do it in everything. So, it’s better to focus on a specific area. Ask yourself what you’re passionate about and build expertise on that.
3. Get certified
After understanding the basic fields and choosing your speciality, the next step is to get certified. However, you need to have a bachelor’s degree in the first place to become a holistic health coach. Then pursue certification in your chosen area that will give you the legality to work as a holistic care provider. Besides, certification will create trust among your clients. You have to undergo a training process that will teach you everything in your chosen area and equip you with the necessary expertise.
You have the option to get your certification through offline and online training. You can take online training as it allows you to learn in your schedule if you have other duties and responsibilities. Here are some courses from Adams Academy.
[su_box title=”Highlighted Courses” style=”soft” box_color=”#296af5″] [su_list icon_color=”#296af5″]
- Holistic Therapy Training
- Holistic & Alternative Medicine Course
- Aromatherapy, Holistic & Massage Therapy Level 2
- Acupuncture Level 2
[/su_list] [su_button url=”https://prime.adamsacademy.com/courses/” style=”flat” background=”#296af5″ size=”8″ wide=”no” center=”yes” radius=”10″ target=”blank” rel=”nofollow”]Start Learning[/su_button] [/su_box]
4. Get experienced
Once you’re done with the necessary training and skills, you should seek practical experience before stepping into the real world. It will help you better understand the real scenario, demands, and needs of the patients and how to deal with that. You can have the required experience by joining as an intern in clinics, care homes, gyms, wellness centre, and spas. You will deal with real problems, and gain the expertise to start your career.
5. Choose your career path
After walking through the previous steps, you have to decide your career path, either you want to work on your own or get a job. However, self-employment isn’t easy for all. As a newbie in this field, you may find it difficult to start your own holistic care business. You may have a hard time finding clients and promoting your business. So, it will be better to work a few years in a professional setting before starting your own business. It will help you build a connection with clients and make a name of you as a holistic health coach.
That’s all for today. We hope that you have understood all the things and you’ll find it helpful to approach further in your journey to becoming a holistic health practitioner. However, if you want o start your business, you need to have the skills of business management along with your service expertise. In that case, an online course can help you learn things to start a new business. Now move forward and kickstart your career.
[su_button url=”https://prime.adamsacademy.com/course/entrepreneurship-business-management-diploma/” target=”blank” background=”#296af5″ size=”6″ center=”yes” radius=”round” icon=”icon: arrow-right”]Explore Online Training on Business Management[/su_button]
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